How the SenderMatic software works?
How are the possibilities for unsubscription or subscription from/to address lists of the recipients in the email marketing software SenderMatic.
(A) - SenderMatic will send email to the email addresses in the list of addresses associated with your email campaign. Sent email message must to allow the recipient to unsubscribe from your list of email addresses. If you want to do this, the SenderMatic provides you the following three options:
(B1) - recipient of your email will send email to the designated email address with subject of email which will contains the certain (key) word. (Eg. "unsubscribe".)
(B2) - when the recipient of the e-mail message clicks on the link for unsubscription then will be automatically redirected to a URL of web address of the UtilStudio company that provides for its customers free service for unsubscription. If the recipient of email will confirm the unsubscription from address list, then the free webpage of the UtilStudio company will send an email to the email address defined via SenderMatic. The subject of email message will again to include a word (key word) you specified for unsubscription (Eg. "unsubscribe".).
(B3) - when the recipient of the e-mail message clicks on the link for unsubscription then will be automatically redirected to the URL of your web page, created by the "web page generator" contained in the SenderMatic software. If the recipient of email will confirm the unsubscription from address list, then the generated web page will send an email to the email address defined via SenderMatic. The subject of email message will again to include a word (key word) you specified for unsubscription (Eg. "unsubscribe".).
(C) - The emails, sent to the email address specified, are then fully automatically analyzed. If the subject of the emails received contains one from the specified words (key words) for unsubscription or subscription then the appropriate commands will be carried out. Keywords and their associated actions (commands) can be defined in the settings of the program SenderMatic.
(D1) - If the subject of email message contains the keyword for unsubscription, then the email address of the the recipient will be automatically added to the list of unsubscribed email addresses. (Will be unsubscribed.)
(D2) - If the subject of the email message contains the keyword for subscription, the email will be automatically processed for further information and the address will be automatically added to the list of addresses. The subscription of the recipient is possible only by using your own web pages generated by the generator of web pages or via email. It is essential to observe the established structure of the email so that the program SenderMatic will be able to process the content of the email message automatically.
(E1) - If the subject of email message contains the keywords for the unsubscription then the email address will be automatically added to the list of unsubscribed email addresses.
(E2) - If the subject of email message contains the keyword for the subscription, then the email address and additional address informations will be added into the address list.
(F) - The received emails are automatically analyzed before of each sending email campaigns. The list of addresses is then ready for sending of a new campaign.
Memo - SenderMatic is doing the several commands, which are for simplicity's not in this diagram. Received mails are, for example, analyzed for details. E.g. those which contains the report of non-delivery (returned messages), will be registered and the repeated delivery failure will be exclude them from the list lists of addresses and so on. Besides the possibility to insert the link for the unsubscription, the SenderMatic allows you to insert into the email header the "List-Unsubscribe".
Warning - Detection of the keywords is case insensitive (The word "uncubscribe" = "UnSubScribe"), but the accent is accepted. (The word "odhlásiť" is not equal to "odhlasit".) In case if you need to ignore the accents, you will need to add all from cases of the keywords containing accents and without accents. (Or alert the recipients in the text of email message, that the accents is required in the word for unsubscription.)
Example - Example of the subject for subscription using email message:
Subscribe [Email=""] [FirstName="John"] [LastName="Noname"] [PhoneNumber="8908 708098"] [Company="The working company"] [Street="Under water"] [City="Same place in the world"] [Country="Unspecified"]
The key word is "Subscribe".
For more details see examples of the Unsubscription / Subscription by using email message.